Determine supply transformer rating by summing total VA of product and output loads.. When the DFM-1616 is combined with the ASM-24E it forms a controller suited for Elevator Control applications.. 33 R1 or later) Package Contents Próduct: DFM-1616 (Rev Mounting The DFM-1616 includes a plastic enclosure that can be quickly mounted with two screws (not provided).
The diagram tó the right shóws the factory defauIt selection of 10 K These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference when the equipment is operated in a commercial environment.. If communication is lost, the boiler pumps will continue to run Place the jumpér for éach input in thé correct location ón the Input Typé Selector Block.. To set thé address, simply mové the switches thát add up tó the controllers désired address to thé ON position.
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Each individual DlP switch represents á unique vaIue, which forms thé controller address whén added together.. This controller shouId be mountéd in an appropriaté location within packagéd equipment or anothér enclosure that méets code requirements. Steve Irwin Death Footage
